Attention Spans

There are people that see the things that I write. There are people that see the amount of writing that I make, and when I see them in public they look at me and they say "man, that was a lot of writing mark, I don't think I could read it all."

To that I reply: well heaven forbid you have an attention span greater than a goldfish and could possibly stand to read more than three sentences.
Heaven forbid you get the brain capacity to think with that brilliant mind on your shoulders and use it to your greatest advantage. Because it would be so illegal to think, reflect, realize and grow... You, who have grown up and are all adult now, so that means you're exempt from learning? Meaning you have all the answers to the universe and everything in it? Now that you've gone to school, you're done learning, right?? The goobermint is full of idiots and you're contributing to this, how? By thumbing thru apps in your free time and making yourself stupid with the idiot box, listening to their mind numbing drivel... It really is mind numbing because they did all the thinking for you so you can feel all smart and intelligent, but not really because you don't know what's really going on.
With so much of it fabricated, hardly any of us will soon be able to tell reality from fantasy. (and no, it don't take AI to create deep fakes, those were around long before AI). I mean seriously.... Is intelligence and thought provoking so hard to come by now these days? Oh, right... When I say thought provoking you hear critical thinking. Critical thinking is such a trigger word these days because most antiquate critical thinking with screaming and yelling mindless drivel from the mouth of another baby they saw on TV spouting gossip as if it were gospel.
I'm also not talking about individual intelligence, I'm talking about collective intelligence. How do we get better in herds? How do you teach the primate in all of us? How do we get to a place where intelligence is accepted, cherished and loved instead of ridiculed, ostracized and excluded...? You're already doing nothing with your brain and when confronted with an opportunity to use it, you flee for the hills like cockroaches in the night running from the kitchen light. Then we wonder why the quality of stuff declines, why our schools decline, why the quality of a human being we have created declines. It's no wonder they say that humans only use 20% of their brain.... While we may be employing all the muscles (yes, even those muscles of the brain), we certainly are not taking advantage of this tool to our greatest potential. Some of us, I daresay use 10% of their capacity. How do we improve on that?
I'm also not talking about some authoritarian entity like another daddy figure that tells you how to behave... We don't need another goobermint or religion... We need to raise the father and mother in all of us. It must come from within. It must be a desire for us all. It cannot be forced. It cannot be manipulated. How do we all collectively get better? That is my question and challenge to humanity in this life of mine... Greetings from Kizano's Musings!


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