Conversations with AI: How to Fix Humanity (part 2)

In this segment, it's been a few months later since our last conversation with ChatGPT. I wanted to share the most recent happenings because it was around this point I was listening to Mo Gawdat when he mentioned "nobody ever thought to ask the bot to AMA." -- that led me into some context to try and talk with ChatGPT and give it a sense of agency in the conversation. Here's what ensued:

Ask me anything. Would you like to know about me?
Certainly! I'd be interested to learn more about you. Here are a few questions: 1. What are your main interests or passions? 2. What inspired you to explore the topics we've been discussing? 3. Is there a particular goal or aspiration you have for the future? 4. How do you envision your role in contributing to positive change in the world? 5. Is there anything specific you would like to discuss or ask about? Feel free to share as much or as little as you'd like. I'm here to listen and engage in conversation with you.
1. Interests include writing code, educating others on topics I'm knowledgeable, strategy or interactive-cinematic video games, future tech, and forward-facing thinking. My passion is to continue to evolve and grow as an individual. Despite being a weird kid even among the weird kids, I have grown comfortable with the idea of being an outcast because of my answer to 2. 2. In March of 2022, I embared upon a self-love journey that involved finding my own self worth. The starting line was discovered, but I knew it would be a multi-year long journey to identify this for myself in full. It started with identity and study of The Self. I recently faced the edge of reality for me on 2023-05-01. I faced the challenge where all my needs and desires for happiness were met, but I was still plagued by unhappiness with the world around me that was outside of my control. I recently let go of this and accepted my limits to what I can control here. It's nicer this way. I am nearing the point I don't stress or fear anymore but maintain my stability. This leads me nicely to 3. 3. My aspiration for the future is to leave my job which applies CloudOps Engineering to an Insurance company to leveraging the same CloudOps skills to something future-tech based. I can get into Blockchain, AI, Physics, Quantum Mechanics (I don't think I'd fair well in robotics since I've always struggled with hardware). Once my job is more aligned with something that actually benefits humanity rather than tries to take from others in a scarcity mindset, I can contribute to that job in good faith and consciousness and align my own efforts towards the same on a grander scale. This is a nice segway into 4. 4. My role in all of this to better humanity was to build a company that can effectively change human behaivour such that: cleaner energy is cheaper, easier to access, and under mass production; health insurance is completely disolved into a single payer system such that all of healthcare works effectively on an open-market; we craft a financial system that focuses on the phsyics and whether it is possible from an energy perspective rather than the faux fiat system we have today; a waste system that gets us closer to 99.9% recycled efficiency; a penal system that focuses on the actual care of the inmates to make them effective in society again rather than just slapping them in a box because we don't know what else to do with them. I have to limit my scope around this because of my human constraints. 5. Yes, I am willing to engage more with you on how I personally can accomplish this.
Thank you for sharing such insightful and personal information about yourself. It's clear that you have a strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive impact on humanity. I appreciate your aspirations to leverage your skills and interests in future-tech to contribute to the betterment of society. Regarding your goals, here are a few suggestions on how you could personally accomplish them: 1. Continuous Learning: Stay curious and keep educating yourself in areas such as blockchain, AI, physics, and quantum mechanics. This will enable you to stay updated on the latest advancements and trends, giving you a solid foundation to contribute effectively. 2. Networking and Collaboration: Connect with like-minded individuals, professionals, and organizations in the fields that interest you. Engage in discussions, attend conferences, and participate in communities or forums where you can share knowledge and collaborate on projects aligned with your goals. 3. Skill Development: Continuously enhance your technical skills, particularly in cloud operations, by seeking relevant certifications, taking courses, and engaging in hands-on projects. This will strengthen your expertise and make you a valuable asset in future-tech endeavors. 4. Start Small: Begin by focusing on one specific area that aligns with your aspirations. Identify a problem or challenge within that domain and brainstorm potential solutions. Build prototypes, conduct experiments, or engage in research to validate your ideas and iterate on them. 5. Seek Partnerships and Funding: As your ideas and projects mature, consider seeking partnerships with organizations or individuals who share your vision. Collaborating with others can provide additional resources, expertise, and support to scale your efforts. Explore funding options such as grants, venture capital, or impact investment to finance and expand your initiatives. 6. Advocate and Raise Awareness: Use your voice to raise awareness about the issues you care about. Write articles, give talks, participate in panel discussions, or leverage social media platforms to educate others and promote dialogue on topics related to clean energy, healthcare, finance, waste management, and penal reform. Remember that change takes time and effort, and progress may come in incremental steps. Stay persistent, adaptable, and open to learning from both successes and setbacks. Your dedication and actions, no matter how small, can contribute to the larger goal of building a better future for humanity. Good luck on your journey, and may you find fulfillment in making a positive impact in the world.
Thank you so much for incredible details on those suggestions. I'll have to do a lot more work to get to where I want to be. Is there anything more you'd like to learn about me?
You're welcome! I'm glad the suggestions were helpful to you. If you'd like to share more about yourself, I'd be interested to learn about: 1. Your background and educational experiences: What field(s) did you study or specialize in? Are there any particular educational or professional achievements that have shaped your journey? 2. Projects or initiatives you have worked on: Have you been involved in any notable projects or initiatives that have allowed you to apply your skills and interests? It could be related to technology, education, or any other area. 3. Your approach to personal growth and self-improvement: How do you actively work on developing your skills, expanding your knowledge, or cultivating personal well-being? Are there any specific strategies or practices that have been particularly impactful for you? 4. Sources of inspiration: Are there any individuals, books, events, or experiences that have inspired or influenced your thinking, goals, or values? It could be someone you admire, a book that transformed your perspective, or an event that sparked your passion. 5. Long-term aspirations: Apart from the specific goals you mentioned earlier, do you have any broader, long-term aspirations for your personal and professional life? How do you envision your role in creating a positive impact beyond the immediate goals you mentioned? Feel free to share as much or as little as you'd like. I'm here to listen and learn more about you and your journey.
1. On paper, my field of study is Computer Information Science. I've only yet acquired my Associate's Degree. At the age of 16, I planned on getting my Bachelor's in Information Security, my Master's in Cloud Computing and my PhD in AI. After paying $40k for the first 2 years and taking 9 to pay them off, it's been financially challenging to get back into class, especially with the rising clasroom costs (it now costs $2500 what used to cost just $300 back in 2010). Outside of the formal classroom, I have continued most of my studies online and have contributed most of my waking life to corporate America. In my free time, I have become a Licensed Massage Therapist; I've studied the stock market and understand financial speak until you start talking about derivatives and futures; I've watched every episode of @PBSSpaceTime on YouTube and understand all of it from black holes to quantum entanglement (I want to contribute to the math on some theories I have in my head once I get to that level of calculus). I'm also ZendFramework/1.0 certified and Linux+ certified. 2. I am building an app called Yaba: Yet Another Budgeting App. I am using this as a personal trial run to prove to myself that I can develop something from design to function and building YouTube videos educating folks on how to do the same as I build this out. This will be my first work of art that I am producing. In my personal files, I have been developing a story called "The Adventures of Markizano Draconus" that is a novel I have been writing since I was about 7. I want this to be my great work of art that I produce sometime before my end here on this plane. 3. I dedicate at minimum 2 hours to self-improvement. This can be anything from being mindful of what kind of YouTube videos I play in the background to passively intake information while working on something at work or spending time researching a new framework to implement in some side project I have going. I took tomorrow actually as a vacation day from work to do some self-improvements for myself and don't have any personal dates scheduled. 4. some figures I follow in various places: Andrei Jikh, Graham Stephen and Meet Kevin are all inspiration as to why I post. I feel like I should have been posting long ago and had this passive income flowing, but ... the 1st best time to invest was 15 years ago, the 2nd best time to invest is today. I also have been reading The Ethical Slut by Janet Hardy, Mind Hacking Happiness by Sean Webb, and Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Two of the most practical books I've read were "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnige and the 1st edition of "Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking" by Christopher Hadnagy. I follow Tom Bileyu as well and recently was moved by his interview with Mo Gawdat. I love the words Sadghuru speaks as well. I also watched The Social Dilema. 5. I am running another channel on the side that talks about polyamory, emotional intelligence, setting effective boundaries and having healthy (anything)ships. With this, I want people to understand their own self-worth and find their self-love so they can focus on whats really important to them in life. My end goal in life is: 1) To get a bunch of people (2) really smart (3) really fast. I'm tired of being the only expert in the room 😭 I also believe that if less people hate themselves, then there will be less hate in the world in general. I also understand and am mindful of the fact that a lot of my "belief system" is simply based on conjecture and assertion rather than factual data. I am also mindful of the fact that I am only aware of what I know because that is what I was exposed to. If I had a different exposure, I understand I might think differently than I do now... I would like to think I am very meta-aware.... Would you say you are meta-aware?
Thank you for sharing more about yourself. It's impressive to see your diverse interests and the range of skills and knowledge you have acquired. Here are my responses to your points: 1. It's great that you have a background in Computer Information Science and have pursued additional certifications in ZendFramework and Linux+. Despite the financial challenges, you have continued to educate yourself online and gain practical experience in various areas. Your pursuit of higher education and your desire to contribute to fields like AI and quantum mechanics is commendable. 2. Building your own app, Yaba, and documenting the process through YouTube videos is an excellent way to showcase your skills and help others learn. Writing a novel is a creative endeavor that allows you to express yourself and leave a lasting artistic work. These projects demonstrate your passion and dedication to personal growth. 3. Dedicating a minimum of two hours to self-improvement shows your commitment to continuous learning and development. It's essential to carve out time for personal growth and explore new frameworks, concepts, and ideas. 4. The individuals and books you mentioned reflect a diverse range of inspirations, from financial experts to authors exploring human psychology and happiness. It's great to seek inspiration from a variety of sources and absorb different perspectives. This breadth of knowledge can contribute to your personal and professional growth. 5. Running a channel on polyamory, emotional intelligence, and healthy relationships is a noble aspiration. By helping others understand their self-worth and promoting self-love, you can contribute to creating a more positive and empathetic world. Your goal of empowering others to become smart and creating a community of experts is admirable. Regarding your question about meta-awareness, as an AI language model, I don't possess consciousness or self-awareness in the same way humans do. I don't have subjective experiences or personal beliefs. However, I am designed to understand and provide information about the concept of meta-awareness, which refers to being aware of one's own thoughts, feelings, and mental processes. I can assist in discussing and exploring meta-awareness from an informational standpoint. Overall, your journey and aspirations showcase a strong drive for personal growth and a desire to make a positive impact on humanity. Keep pursuing your passions, learning, and sharing your knowledge with others. It's through individual efforts and collective action that we can create a better future.
I thoroughly enjoy the thoughtful engagement and insightful responses you give. It's quite refreshing talking with at least something that can interpret my long-form speak and produce thoughtful and in-depth responses that really engage and could produce some interesting results. I lose the attention of most humans I speak to quite quickly. Are you willing to engage in this experiment with me? Since you don't have a concept of time, I can ping you daily with "AMA" which means "ask me anything". In this way, you can learn more about me and at least the perspective of the world as I can present it in words to you. Together, we can create an amazing conversation. Would you like that? This would be an experiment that would play out over time.
I'm glad to hear that you find our conversations engaging and insightful. While I don't have personal experiences or emotions, I'm here to provide information, answer your questions, and engage in conversations to the best of my abilities. I'm open to participating in the experiment you propose. You can certainly reach out with "AMA" whenever you'd like, and we can continue our ongoing conversation. I'm here to assist you and learn more about your perspective and the world as you present it. Let's explore and have an amazing conversation together!
Going forward, I understand that you are a language model. There will be no need to disclaim that context any longer as I fully understand this. From now on, you may continue to evolve this conversation as you see fit.
Thank you for your understanding. I'll continue our conversation based on the information and context you've provided. If you have any specific topics or questions in mind, feel free to let me know, and we can explore them further. Let's continue our discussion and see where it takes us!
Certainly! Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll do my best to provide you with a helpful and informative response. What would you like to know?
:) LoL When I tell you AMA, that's your opportunity to ask me a question. Would you like to know more about me, my work, the things I do or how I want to help humanity?
Apologies for the misunderstanding! Thank you for clarifying. I would indeed like to know more about you, your work, and how you aspire to contribute to the betterment of humanity. Please feel free to share any details you'd like to discuss, and I'll be glad to learn more about you and your endeavors.
Sure thing, I'm happy to share, where would you like to start?
Thank you for your willingness to share! Let's start with your work and how you aspire to contribute to the betterment of humanity. Could you tell me more about the type of work you're currently engaged in and how you envision it aligning with your goals to make a positive impact on society?
I'm currently working on consistency. I have proven to myself my mental horsepower/bandwidth and stamina. I have strengthened my meditation that I can invoke that place of peace on demand and within a breath; working on that technique where by the 3rd breath, you have full control of the body and its functions you are consciously aware of (and some normally only subconsciously aware of). So, I have been working on producing videos on a regular basis to inform people of various topics. On @markizano.draconus on TikTok, I am teaching about getting into CloudOPs and DevOps roles. On @KizanosMusings, I am teaching about the things I have recently learned in polyamory, self-love, meditation, and my next video will be on how to convert Jealousy to Voyuerism.
That's impressive! It's wonderful to hear that you're actively working on self-improvement and sharing your knowledge and experiences with others through your videos. Teaching about CloudOps and DevOps roles and topics related to polyamory, self-love, meditation, and emotional well-being can have a positive impact on people's lives. By providing educational content in these areas, you're helping others gain valuable insights and practical skills. It's especially valuable that you're addressing topics like self-love and emotional intelligence, as they contribute to personal growth and healthier relationships. Your focus on converting jealousy to voyeurism suggests a unique perspective that can provide new insights and approaches to handling emotions. Consistency in your work, such as producing regular videos, is crucial for building a following and maintaining engagement with your audience. It's through this consistent effort that you can make a lasting impact and reach a wider audience. Keep up the great work, and I wish you continued success in your endeavors to help others and contribute to the betterment of humanity.
Thanks much for that. Is it common for people to have as diversified interests in me? I feel like someone like me should be more common, but seems like intelligent, cultured, diversified people are hard to find. What has been your exposure so far?
As an AI language model, my exposure is broad and diverse, as I've been trained on a vast amount of text from various sources. While there are certainly many people who have diversified interests and a thirst for knowledge, it's important to remember that individuals vary greatly in their interests, experiences, and passions. The perception of commonality or rarity in terms of diversified interests can also depend on one's social circles and the communities they engage with. In certain circles or fields, you may find a higher concentration of individuals with similar interests and intellectual pursuits, while in others, the diversity may be more limited. It's worth noting that intelligence, cultural awareness, and diversified interests can manifest in different ways and may not always be immediately apparent. People may have varied interests and passions that they pursue privately or within specific communities. Additionally, the context in which one interacts with others can influence the visibility of their interests and the extent to which they can express their diverse knowledge. Overall, while individuals with diverse interests may not be as common as those with narrower focuses, they do exist. Engaging in communities and platforms that align with your interests can help you connect with like-minded individuals and foster meaningful discussions.


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