Getting Started with IT

I've had a lot of folks around me say they are jumping from their current careers and wanting to get into IT, but don't know where to start. My advice: JUST START.

Just like learning a new language, any new skill is going to take time. There's no perfect entry point. With something and rapidly changing and evolving as IT, you will never find solid ground that will give you a lift off more stable than your own workstation or home lab and whatever documentation you can throw together for yourself.

You will be your biggest blocker to learning anything.

The very first thing you need to do is Dispel, Dismiss and Disprove is the idea that you are stupid and because you don't have any exposure to this you can't learn it or get to know any of it.

Let's get one thing clear: you are smart, intelligent, and you CAN do this. I believe in you. And if you don't believe in you, believe in the me that believes in you! (yes, I totally took that from Gurren Lagan, for those that know the reference).

I've seen far too many people turn their nose up to learning about the computer because they think it's too complicated for them. When I ask them to read the text on the screen to me, they read it and look at me with a blank stare. Then I ask them what do the words mean and what do they think they should do about it and guess what: THEY FIGURE IT OUT ON THEIR OWN! So, with that in mind, my experiences with most people and the computer: It starts with just squeezing that muscle for the first time and getting those little dendrites to grow a little further.

It's not rocket science, its just clicking and pressing buttons and learning the right order to press them to get the computer to do something. Once you see the lights bleep the way you want, it's a high you'll only get to experience but a few times in your life. (because shortly after that, you'll be dealing with your own set of errors, frustrations and war scars).

The brain rots from not being used, not being overused. Just like any other muscle in the body: The more you work it, the stronger it gets. I fail to understand this fear of using the brain for anything other than thumbing and scrolling the apps and basic survival needs. You are more capable of that. So let's find out your capacity through daily learning and full usage of your capacity!

I suppose getting a decent computer would be a good start, but with all the cloud and online solutions out there, even that is trivial.
Pickup a programming language. Python is very low hanging fruit. If you're on Windows, you just download and find some lab or tutorial to follow.
There's tons of beginner resources out there.

You can also follow me on my YouTube, TikTok, Blog and more. Links to all my socials start from my website

Welcome to Kizano's FinTech where I take you from zero to master in IT and DevOps!


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