I can guarantee that each and every one of you are exactly where you are in life because of your actions, your decisions and choices in life.
We are all given a choice in life in every one of our actions.
To choose pain or to choose solutions.
To complain or to take action.
To chooses collectively or as individuals.
To chooses preservation vs destruction.
To choose to procrastinate or to eat the tadpole.
To love or to hate or to hold in apathy.
To live in your head or in this world or one co-constructed as a result of both.
Your belief system creates your reality.
You receive what you put out. You will only receive what you give.
Knowing this.... Why do you make the choices you do?
Why do you continue in the way you do?
This is not for you to answer to me, but for you to answer and to know for yourself.
I see lots of boomer and Gen X punch lines talking about how screwed up stuff is, but I see little action being done to change it. It makes for a cute post, but in the grand scheme of things, it's absolutely meaningless.
What am I doing to change this?
I'm building a story.
Humans are emotional creatures that connect to stories.
Stories can change hearts. Hearts can change minds. Minds can create new systems inspired by stories.
New life and futures are built on the dreams of those that dare to implement ideas inspired by stories.
My choice in this life is to question you for the choices you have made.
Why do you post meaningless punch lines and scroll endlessly instead of pursuing your dreams? Why don't you dream? Why haven't you considered your effect on this world and how can you change that.
Will you be proud of your obituary when they write about you?
If not........... Why else are you here?
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