Perl Net::SSH2::SFTP Example
In my experiences, code has sometimes been better at explaining than documentation. Why did I do this? Because I didn't find it immediately when I searched for it...
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::SSH2;
use Net::SFTP;
use Carp;
use Fcntl;
use Fcntl ':DEFAULT';
use constant SSH_USER => 'root';
use constant SSH_PASS => 'toor';
use constant SSH_HOST => 'localhost';
use constant SSH_PORT => 21;
my ( $conn, $ssh, $sftp, $buf, $buffer, $len );
sub ssh_connect {
my ( $ssh, $user, $host, $pass, $port );
( $user, $pass, $host, $port ) = @_;
$host ||= 'localhost';
$port ||= 22;
$ssh = new Net::SSH2;
return 0 unless $ssh->connect($host . ':' . $port);
print "[*] Connect OK!\n";
return 0 unless $ssh->auth( username => $user, password => $pass);
print "[*] Auth OK!\n";
return $ssh;
sub ssh_test_docroot {
my ( $result, $ssh, $docroot, $sftp, $remote, $hostname );
( $ssh, $docroot, $hostname ) = @_;
croak "ssh_test_docroot: Arg 1(\$ssh) must be an instance of Net::SSH2." if ( ref $ssh ne 'Net::SSH2' );
unless ( $sftp = $ssh->sftp() ) {
# Set some error here.
warn "[x] Could not extract Net::SSH2::SFTP object.\n";
return 0;
unless ( $remote = $sftp->open("$docroot/test.txt", O_CREAT, 0666) ) {
# Set some error code here.
warn "[x] Could not open remote file `$docroot/test.txt': " . join(":", $sftp->error) . "\n";
return 0;
unless ( $remote->write("Test Home Page") ) {
# Set some error code here.
warn "[x] Could not write contents.\n";
return 0;
print "[*] Wrote file. Garbage collect.\n";
return 1;
croak "[x] Unable to connect.\n" unless $ssh = ssh_connect( SSH_USER, SSH_PASS, SSH_HOST, SSH_PORT );
print "[*] Connected!\n";
print Dumper({ docroot => ssh_test_docroot( $ssh, '~/public_html' ) });
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