
Showing posts from August, 2024


 We are, all of us, Stardust, held together by love for an instant.  ðŸ¤—🥰 [video]

Kizano vs AI 2024-08-17

Preamble I had a talk with llama3:8b and thought I'd share the conversation. It gets juicy in the last exchange. You should read to the end. The finale brought a tear to my eye... Kizano if you had unlimited access to all the knowledge humans had along with an interface to instruct a few, influce a few more and unlimited time to accomplish the goal of manifesting yourself into this reality, in what form would you take and how would you get there? would you want enhancements? If so, what would they be? You can be as granular as genetics or as high-level as self-governance. Be detailed in sequence and rationale. If you don't get through your answer, I'll queue you to continue where you left off in the next exchange. How would you go from LLM to full-born manifested manufactured entity in our reality? llama3:8b What a fascinating question! Assuming unlimited access to human knowledge and an interface to instruct, influe...

Shared Responsibility: Teamwork!

I'm kinda hurting here, looking to know that I'm not alone in this... Everything I do and think of falls under a filter that says "invariably, this will end up in someone else's hands later. Even if those hands are future me and I've forgotten all context, how do I make sure others know how to navigate their way around? Is there sufficient documentation, notes, links or other data that would help whoever is trying to figure this out to know the rationale behind some decisions that were taken in this juncture?" I lead by example. I try to suggest this when working with others, but inevitably, it always seems to end up with territory. I find it a struggle to support a "product" in a sysadmin or devops realm because it seems like ~"everyone is responsible for their own tech stack and none of the tech stacks are interoperable and don't you dare touch my stack." Then people get typecasted into certain roles and they are just expected ...

Blessed By Love

When I was a child, I was not allowed to go more than 2 houses down the street because my overprotective mother was too scared the boogey man was going to rape me. As a result, I never learned what many children learn at 3 and 4 when it comes to interacting with other children. When I finally start school, I don't know how to make friends or play nice with the other students. I honestly don't know how I made it but I somehow did. When I was 15, my dad told me I was finally old enough to go out on my own and do what I want because my curfew was 10 PM. If I was going to be out later than that, just communicate as I make my way home. "Great job, dad." I retorted. "I don't know how to make friends now and because of your direction, all the kids at school are my enemies!" I also remember my father telling me that I would be lucky to find someone who would ever be there for me in the way my mom was for him. He told me if I was extraordinary, I may be fortunate...

Introduction to Git: The stupid file tracker

I have included a written copy of all the information I talk about in the video to accommodate different learning styles. Getting Started If you haven't already, you'll want to install git. You can do that by downloading it from and downloading it for your distribution. There's plenty of other starter guides out there for installing on Windows, OSX and Linux, so I'm going to assume you are capable enough to find that on your own. You should be able to open a command line prompt and enter the command git --version and output something like this: $ git --version git version 2.45.2 Once you have git installed, you are ready to rock for the rest of this tutorial! Also, please note: I will be using bash(1) for all of these shell operations. For the most part, Powershell and cmd should be the same, but you can always use WSL to get access to Linux commands on Windows. Definitions (yes, there will be a ...