Raising a Daddy
Having a daddy sometimes is like raising a kid. I've met my fair share of 50 and 60 year old 5 and 6 year olds. There are plenty of people out there who simply have not taken the time to ponder and learn about The Self and as a result are the younger seeming versions of themsevles despite their bodies senescing (or the act of aging). Childlike State of Permanence There are many people who interpret their current state of being to be the entire definition of the universe ever. They seem to completely lose the context of the fact that they have lived longer than the last hour of the day. They have zero memory of the past unless you ask about it. Even then, it's associated with things done and seen rather than felt or experienced. This is not a "person" it is a "state of being" in that we all have moments where we don't think rationally. I would like to say that you reach a point where those emotions never bother you any longer, but that depends on how you ...