
Showing posts from December, 2021

Pulseaudio: Multi-User Setup

Hello and welcome to my blog. If you are finding this page, then you might be in a similar situation I found myself when I wanted to share audio with different apps if they were being used by different user accounts on your local *nix machine when using Pulse audio. Credits to Eli Billauer and Dhole for the configuration directives I needed to make this possible. The Problem I have multiple user accounts on my system that run various apps, like my web browser, chat apps, email and more. I don't like everything running as myself and try to create a user account with just enough privileges to do what it needs to do. Pulseaudio (herein "Pulse") runs as myself when my desktop environment starts. Apps that run normally need to connect to Pulse in some fashion in order to listen to the microphone or play audio on the speakers. When the apps all run as the logged in user, this works great. When the apps run as someone else, this doesn't work or is inconsistent...